Each team will consist of 04 (four) persons (no less, but there can be a maximum of 06 participants in some cases, primarily to accommodate more enthusiasts, and also because sometimes there are only a limited number of experienced birdwatchers to lead a team.
You are free to constitute your own team but must ensure at least one of you is a proficient birder, familiar with the region’s birdlife, and who can be team captain.
At the time of Registration (online in most venues now) please give a BirdName to your team. It has to be the name of some bird. There is no Registration Fee for any of the WINGS.
While we used to provide printed physical Logbooks to each team, however, in contemporary times with the eBird platform facilitating easy entry of your sightings, we have all team sighting reports/lists go in as a detail city-venue specific Checklist for the day. This checklist is a compilation of the entire day's sightings by all teams combined, after taking care of any erroneous and doubtful sightings.